BA Athletics Club News Digest 24th October 2022
Events marked "#" are points scoring for the club's participation trophy - for the 2022 title. Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] For future weeks: inclusions, with photos, please to Roderick Hoffman at This Week's EventsPlease help me by sending in your results, for instance by filling in the tables below and forwarding to Some events will have "Prompts" set up in Facebook. These allow the posting of a single image and some text and make it easy to flip through everyone's entries. Weekly Athletic Achievement (by Sunday evening) or use the Facebook group prompt:
Milocarian XC at RMA Sandhurst
My assumption is that all BAAC members will be welcome and teams can be formed on the day. Club Points UpdateThe London Marathon and last weekend's WARR and Surrey League matches added many points to the club points table. We've had four new additions to the 10pointers with Amanda Coombs, Graham Taylor, Maarten Stenham and Alan Friar now getting our thanks for their contribution over the year. They join the 12 individuals previously credited. There are another eleven listed with 8 or 9 points so expect many more credits towards the end of the calendar year. In total 213 individuals have contributed to the club so far this year and 81 of those more than once. At the top it is going to be a tough fight for the Tom Rowley trophy with myself and Steve Hillier currently tied in first place and Steve Newell just behind. Chris Kelly leads the group fighting for fourth place. Roderick Hoffman Recent Activity AchievementsOnly 11 club members and friends achievements are listed below - though the early publication time may have caught others out.
Roderick Hoffman parkrun Results for Saturday 22nd October 202234 activities are recorded this week. Please get in touch if your activity is missing.
parkrun Review Saturday 22nd October 2022After a few weeks without any new parkruns at all in UK we had two this weekend within the M25, one inside London in Harringey borough and one just over the border in already parkrun rich Hertsfordshire. We had runners at both inaugurals. Trish McCabe (27:06) wasn’t going to give-up her hard won “Londone” title after just one week and made her way to Lordship Recreation parkrun, a flat three-lapper with a hopefully manageable attendance of 242. It is likely to be popular with those in North London who are less keen on the hilly courses. It is walkable from Turnpike Lake station (Piccadilly Line, when operating). Harjit Jhooti (34:46) spotted a new one starting up at Leavesden Country Park not far from both the M25 and M1 near Watford [Ed: I've described the location as just beyond the Harry Potter Studio]. That takes her parks total to 59 and her Wilson Index quest is up and running at last. Those two new parkruns for the club were only half the story. Roderick Hoffman (31:40) had started the day off with an 8 a.m. run at WARRandyte River Reserve along the Yarra river to the north and east of Melbourne, his thirteenth parkrun in Victoria. At the end of day news came through from Washington State where Paul Watt (20:44) and Julie Barclay (23:15) had been at Perrigo Community Park at Redmond, east of Seattle. Paul followed his speedy run with a barcode scanning shift while Julie had a bit more time to reflect and write a parkrun report – look out for it. The club parks total has moved up to 685 – don’t bet against us reaching 700 by year end. Two course pb’s spotted in the results this week. Barry Walters (27:16) clipped 18 secs off his previous best at Edenbrook Country and Janet Smith (35:20) bettered her 2019 times at Dinton Pastures by 26 seconds. Her p-index is up to four – she has run at four parkruns at least four times. At Bedfont Lakes it was pacer day where Maria Jovani (26:10) was running for the 149th time and encouraging those around her to maintain 26-minute pace. Black Park pace guru Joe Nolan (34:19) was off duty but on his 400th parkrun (356th at Black Park) he celebrated with a Groundhog Day run (exactly the some time and at the same venue as his previous run). The next Black Park pacer day will be 5th November. Life at Fulham Palace has not quite returned to normal. parkrunners can now enjoy a better running surface generally but construction work at the football ground next door continues to have an impact. Attendances are back to an average of 400 each week with the first man home usually under 17 minutes. David Duggan (35:25) ran at Harcourt Hill (near an Oxford Brooks campus to the south of Oxford) for the first time. His 113th park. Steve Newell Matters Arising - new club parkrunsNote that when in the digest we report new events run by club members we accord them based on a rough estimation of the UTC time of the finish time. So this week I got the 682nd parkrun since my 8am Australia parkrun was well before anyone else's. Harjit got the 683rd since she ran faster than Melanie walked at their new parkruns in the UK and then Paul, rather than Julie, was credited with the 685th in their run in the Americas. Perigo parkrun started 19hours after Warrandyte parkrun. The database doesn't know about timezones and differing start times so on the "EventFirstRun" tab it lists parkruns first run on the same day in an arbitrary order. Finish PositionsI note that Paul Watt finished in fifth place on Saturday. That was his fifth fifth place finish within the last twelve months, and all at different parkruns. Paul has finished in all positions from 2nd to 13th but never first. Also badly in need of a first-place finish are Barry Walters, Ben Chaytow, Maarten Stenham, Murray Hogge, Chris Kelly and former member Richard Ruffell. It is harder for girls, but Maria Jovani has finished everywhere from 2nd to 46th but also needs that allusive first place finish. Jeremy Short has finished in 1st to 10th place but needs an 11th. Gary Rushmer and Mike Dennison have finished in every position from 1st to 16th. Those needing the first place finish need to choose carefully where they run - I for instance have a first place finish to my name with a 32:50 finish! Or change your name and ability to that of Adrian Haines who has twelve first place finishes to his name - of the club's 30 in total (Adrian's "problem" being that he has never finished 8th or rarely lower than 9th). But parkrun isn't a race, is it? Roderick Hoffman Full club parkrun database - {read access to club parkrun database} - Download and explore. Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] Next Digest - Results, news, pictures, feedback, jokes, stories - send them to the editor, Roderick Hoffman, at Not for you, no longer interested? remove me please. Difficulty viewing this? Read it from the website:- Latest.shtml. Club website:
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