BA Athletics Club News Digest 7th August 2023
Events marked "#" are points scoring for the club's participation trophy - for the 2023 title. Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] For future weeks: inclusions, with photos, please to Roderick Hoffman at Results for Next WeekPlease help me by sending in your results, for instance by filling in the tables below and forwarding to Some events will have "Prompts" set up in Facebook. These allow the posting of a single image and some text and make it easy to flip through everyone's entries. Weekly Athletic Achievement (by Sunday evening) or use the Facebook group prompt:
Equinox 5km 2023One of the oldest fixtures in the club calendar returns next month and earlier than the name suggests. To avoid a clash with WARR and other holiday plans the race this year will be
held at Bedfont Lakes on Wednesday 6th September. The start and finish will be by The Motte, close by the Bedfont Road carpark and Bedfont Road bus stop (H26 from Hatton Cross and Feltham stations). The earlier date (later sunset) will allow a more relaxed start schedule and there will be staggered starts designed to bring everyone to the finish just before 7 p.m. There will be a social gathering at Bedfont FC afterwards with some food provided from club funds. Changing and showers available before and after the run. There are no toilets at the Bedfont Road carpark. Steve Newell Winter 5 Mile Handicap Series 2023/24The five mile handicap returns to Bedfont for another season at the end of October with runs (or walks) every month through to the finale at the end of March 2024. Schedule 2023:
Sandwiches (or other food) will be provided by the club (at approx. 7.30 p.m.) after the handicap runs in October, November and December. If you attend three events or more over the year, please ensure that you are a member of either BA Clubs or the Bedfont Club itself. Schedule 2024 (provisional). These are all GMT:
NB Easter Sunday is 1st April (clocks go forward). The course for runners will be two laps of the now established clockwise 2.5 mile loop starting and finishing at the Bedfont FC carpark while those wishing to walk can opt for a single lap. The changing rooms and hot showers will generally be available as the footballers tend to play their midweek fixtures on Tuesdays. A ladies changing room (small) has been refurbished over the summer. Runners should be mindful that they are running in the dark for the most part and wear a light coloured/fluorescent top. A lightweight head torch is another accessory favoured by some. The pavements and paths are lit throughout. The event each month will be in the form of a pursuit race with the expectation of everyone finishing at about 7 p.m. Where possible split times after one lap will be recorded so that runners can gauge afterwards how well they are judging the pace they are trying to achieve. Historically it has been traditional for runners not to refer to a watch during the run but devices may be worn to aid post-run analysis. Initial target times for individuals are negotiable and will be based on achievements in previous years or recent parkrun times. Target times will be adjusted after each monthly run. Points are awarded according on how close to 7pm (on the timekeeper’s clock) the runners reach the finish. Minutes and seconds ahead of target are used without adjustment while those behind target are doubled. Steady improvement over the season is rewarded. The scoring system is similar to that used in formula one motor racing but with only the best four scoring runs of the possible maximum of six being counted in the end of season reckoning. Points awarded for position: 1st 25pts; 2nd 21pts; 3rd 18pts; 4th 16pts; 5th 15 pts, 6th 14 pts, 7th 13pts, etc. All finishers receive a minimum of one point! Prizes will be awarded at the end of the series to the first three places. Steve Newell BAAC StandardsThe standards that this club aims to live by have been added to a page on our website: baRUNNER Standards page The three files added so far are: BAAC Club ConstitutionThe Club is for the public benefit of current and former employees of British Airways and their relatives, friends and associates. Constitution confirmed 5th April 2023: BAAC Constitution April 5th 2023.doc BAAC Club Privacy NoticeBritish Airways Athletics Club are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Privacy Notice confirmed July 2023: BAAC Club Privacy Notice 2023 final.doc BAAC Club Inclusion PolicyBritish Airways Athletics Club embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable. We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social/economic status. Club Inclusion Policy confirmed July 2023: BAAC Club Inclusion Policy 2023 final.doc More documents will be added as the club committee and club members write, review and approve them. >>>Steve Hillier (Club Secretary) Recent Activity AchievementsJUST SEVEN members' achievements were communicated to me. Was it too wet last week? This is your digest and your opportunity to spread the news that you are still putting one foot in front of the other.
St. Dunstans Subway, between Roseville Road and Cranford Park, has been brightened and redecorated as part of the work. The theme of the decorations was "Things that Fly". The cutout is the bit that I insisted they include, though the artists have been minimalist. parkrun Results for Saturday 5th August33 activities are recorded below. Please get in touch if your activity is missing.
parkrun Review 5th August 2023
Frankie Hogg (19:54) was our fastest and probably youngest parkrunner this week and she was first lady across the line at California Country Park. That puts her 7th out 169 in her age-group there. This was her 98th run and her parkrun pb (19:30) was achieved at Reading in the summer of 2022. Fiona Bishop (24:39) achieved an 80%+ age grade score at Pymmes in North London for the sixth time in a row. The long-suspended parkrun at Cranleigh (Surrey) is gearing up for a restart on the first Saturday in September. Good progress has been made on the park redevelopment and there will be a new 2 lap course and carparking arrangements have been changed as well. It may be best to give the team there a couple of weeks to bed in and after that they will be eager to welcome tourists. The last parkrun round the old course was back in January 2022 and it was never too busy – fewer than 100 runners most weeks. Steve Newell Matters ArisingRay Hampton may not be a prolific parkrunner but he gets around - he has been our first club parkrunner at Bramhall Park, Wythenshawe, Delamere, Lyme Park, Cheadle Hulme, Penrose, Burnham and Highbridge, Heartlands, Street, Conwy, Sale Water, Alexandra, Nant y Pandy, Alderley Park, Forfar Loch, Barnstaple and now Whitehaven. 17 in all, of his 29 total runs at 20 different parkrun venues. The map shows where Ray has run parkruns - the green shaded areas [this map is from the Chrome "Running Challenges" browser extension]. Roderick Hoffman Full club parkrun database - {read access to club parkrun database} - Download or save a copy, and explore at your leisure. Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] Roderick Hoffman Letters to the EditorPhotos of meI've received two photographs of myself this week, one from ten years ago and one from 38 years ago. But this digest isn't supposed to be about me, so I'll withhold publishing them until I have other contributions to dilute them with. Next Digest - Results, news, pictures, feedback, jokes, stories - send them to the editor, Roderick Hoffman, at Not for you, no longer interested? remove me please. Difficulty viewing this? Read it from the website:- Latest.shtml. Club website:
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