BA Athletics Club News Digest 20th August 2018
Monday 20th August - T&F Grand Prix 200m & Javelin, 18:00 at Hillingdon
Athletics Stadium [get your skates on - you might still be able to make
Wednesday 22nd August - Club training event at Harmondsworth from 18:00
(see below)
Tuesday 4th Sept - Round-the-Park 5k run at Harmondsworth at 12:30
New members and potential members of all fitness levels and abilities are welcome at all of these events. The full diary of club featured events is on the club website at: Diary.shtml.
Last updated: First week of August.
* Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] /
# Club Points event
Not for you, no longer interested? remove me please. / Difficulty viewing this? Read it from the website:- Latest.shtml.
Facebook: (formal
club page), BA Runner Facebook Group (informal
- ask to join)
Inclusions, with photos, please to Roderick Hoffman at
Early digest this week - I'm to have a busy day tomorrow and I've no time to
issue this tomorrow night.
This Wednesday - Harmondsworth training event -
Instinctive Pace Training Session - 22 August 2018 @ 18:00 + Social from 19:30
The goal of the session is to help develop steady pacing, essentially
‘blindly’ without the use of watches, in able to instinctively apply the
correct pace to different distance events.
at the telephone box outside the Five Bells in Harmondsworth at 18:00
prompt, registering recent best 5k times. Watches are not to be
used……however if you cannot run or feel naked without your Rolex or
activity tracker this is fine as long as you don’t look at them !
It would be useful to have a few safety marshals if available.
10min warm up slow jog followed by dynamic stretch exercises.
Staggered starts by runners over an approx. 1k course loop, beginning
at the telephone box, along Moor Lane turning back at the concrete road
block, back to around the small green in front of the pub and up part of
the High Street, and then turning back to the start/finish line.
- 1st loop – to be run instinctively and steadily at your recent
5k best pace.
- 2nd loop – to be run instinctively and steadily at a pace
equivalent to 2mins slower than your recent 5k best pace
- 3rd loop – to be run instinctively and steadily at a pace
equivalent to 1min faster than your recent 5k best pace
- 4th loop – to be run instinctively and steadily, repeated at
your recent 5k best pace
Each loop will be followed by a 10-20sec recovery rest (as instructed
by the starter).
To finish there will be a slow jog and static stretch warm-down.
Times for each ‘instinctive’ circuit will be processed and the
closest ‘achievers’ calculated.
As means of recovery, we will retire to the Five Bells bar for food &
beverages !
Joe Nolan
This event has been changed from the previously advertised BBQ
because no one stepped forward to do the cooking and very few
volunteered to do the eating either! Instead the club will provide
food at the Five Bells. Typically the Five Bells can only deal with
about ten "walk-ups" without long delays so please tell us to expect you
so that we can warn the pub and make plans accordingly. Tell Neil
directly at
Frediani {}. The list at the moment is
Roderick, Neil, Joe, Christine M, Trish, Steve H, Steve N, Tony B, but
not Chris K, Helen, Denis & Simon T.
Club parkrun results for Saturday 18th August 2018
18th August | parkrunner |
Time |
parkrun |
Comment |
Age Grade |
Benita |
Scaife |
30:48 |
HigginsonMarlow |
inaugural, park #46 |
65% |
John |
Scaife |
30:51 |
HigginsonMarlow |
inaugural, park #56 |
54% |
Tony |
Barnwell |
39:42 |
HigginsonMarlow |
inaugural, park #12 |
49% |
Maria |
Jovani |
22:49 |
Henley on Thames |
1st run at Henley, park #29, club rec(F) |
67% |
David |
Duggan |
29:52 |
Henley on Thames |
1st run at Henley, park #48 |
53% |
Bob |
Bannister |
23:21 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #324, parkrun pb ! |
70% |
Sarah |
Gordon |
33:47 |
Braunstone |
run #201, 57th at Braunstone, very average! |
57% |
Anne |
Bannister |
48:17 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #173, 143rd at Bedfont |
40% |
Ian |
Cockram |
24:21 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #444, 267th at Bedfont |
61% |
Scott |
Davison |
25:36 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #265, 220th at Bedfont |
56% |
Chris |
Evans |
24:32 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #208, 202nd at Bedfont |
62% |
Neil |
Frediani |
42:43 |
Bedfont Lakes |
run #203, 133rd at Bedfont |
38% |
Lesley |
Chamberlin |
26:48 |
Bushy Park |
run #177, 53rd at Bushy (2nd in 2018) |
70% |
Ian |
Cunningham |
24:11 |
Bushy Park |
run #340, 281st at Bushy |
64% |
Paul |
Timms |
24:16 |
Cirencester |
run #16, 7th at Cirencester |
63% |
Ben |
Chaytow |
28:52 |
Crane Park |
run #201, 172nd at Crane |
48% |
Roderick |
Hoffman |
29:36 |
Foots Cray Meadows |
run #310, park #241 |
53% |
Julie |
Barclay |
23:04 |
Frimley Lodge |
run #136, 24th at Frimley |
77% |
Alan |
Anderson |
33:56 |
Gunnersbury |
run #522, 286th at Gunnersbuiry |
67% |
John |
Coffey |
27:40 |
Hazelwood |
run #293, 19th at Hazelwood |
70% |
Petra |
Otto |
32:20 |
March |
run #57, 46th at March |
65% |
Caroline |
Cockram |
28:04 |
Old Deer Park |
run #325, 7th at Old Deer |
59% |
Steve |
Newell |
35:39 |
Old Deer Park |
run #323, 17th at Old Deer |
52% |
Joan |
Foxley |
38:20 |
Rickmansworth |
run #109, 13th at Rickmansworth |
57% |
Eddie |
Giles |
29:01 |
Salisbury |
run #101, 24th at Salisbury |
60% |
Alastair |
Heslop |
volunteer |
Guildford |
timekeeper |
Alice |
Banks |
volunteer |
HigginsonMarlow |
finish tokens/marshal |
Zoe |
Ostley |
volunteer |
Bedfont Lakes |
run director |
There was a parkrun inaugural in our region this weekend and here is short
report from one of our runners who was there:
“The inaugural Higginson parkrun in Marlow took place in perfect running
conditions this morning, with 283 parkrunners trying out the new course. Two
anti-clockwise laps of a field within the park make up the first km, then it’s
along the Thames Path towards Hurley and straight back to the start. The
riverside section is narrow and two-way so the keep left etiquette is very
important. The three BA runners - two Scaifes and one Barnwell - were handed
their finish tokens by Alice Banks, one of a substantial contingent of Marlow
Striders who were either helping or running.” John Scaife
Piers Keenleyside also noted that his other club – Ealing Eagles – was
represented at the inaugural and hopes our committee will select Higginson as a
venue for a cfp sometime in the future. It may be sensible to see how it
settles down and how it copes with average numbers in the weeks to come.
All courses have a comfortable capacity and enjoyment can be seriously impaired
when overcrowding occurs. Perish the thought that parkrun should resort to
wave starts and chip timing!
Two other members, Maria Jovani (22:49, club record) and David Duggan (29:52)
went to nearby Henley instead where the inaugural attendance (in 2017) of 175
has never been matched and yesterday’s count of 75 finishers was fairly typical.
Street parking near the start is reported to be easy to find at 8.30 a.m. on a
Saturday morning.
Joyous news from Bedfont Lakes where Bob Bannister (23:21) achieved a parkrun
pb on his 324th run.
And now a little game most of us can play. Sarah Gordon (33:47) was at
Braunstone as a runner for the 57th time (she has volunteered in various roles
over the years as well). Her average time at Braunstone before she started was
33:47 and obviously still is now. So, look at your record for a parkrun
you have run, let’s say, at least 20 times and possibly including the odd
tailwalker duty and see if you can match your career average time. There will
be a bottle of Fullers for anyone matching it (to be presented at the club quiz
at Bedfont FC in November).
Steve Newell
Updated parkrun stats -
club parkrun stats
Who attends inaugurals?
As well as forecasting attendance at UK parkrun inaugurals I also do an analysis
after the event to determine where the attendees came from (indeed I had to do
the latter first to understand the flows so that I can do the forecasting). I've
reproduced here the results from my analysis of the Higginson Marlow parkrun
that I've shared with that parkrun team. BAAC comments in {brackets}.
Attendee Type |
Forecast |
Actual |
Comments |
Total |
320 |
283 |
Overall - fewer than forecast but still quite a crowd. I hope that
the local dog walkers accepted the event. |
New Locals |
30 |
66 (including the “no barcodes”) |
A healthy number - these are your core runners and volunteers for
the future. There were also 11 in the categories below who hadn’t run a
parkrun for over a year. These may also be locals to Marlow and
become regulars. |
Wycombe Rye |
90 |
82 |
As expected many regulars at Wycombe Rye made it to Marlow and for
many it’ll be because Higginson is now their nearest parkrun.
Interestingly numbers at Wycombe Rye on Saturday matched the summer
average. {The 82 included Tony} |
Maidenhead |
60 |
35 |
Not as many as Forecast. {The 35 included the Scaifes. I can't
say anything about the volunteers, such as Alice being a Maidenhead
regular, because that information isn't readily available in one of the
public parkrun reports - although the results list "Alice Banks" as a
volunteer it doesn't say which of the six registered Alice Banks it was}
Henley-on-Thames |
7 |
4 |
Reading parkruns (4) |
50 |
13 |
Not as many as expected – but the parkrunners there may be still
getting used to the two recent additional parkruns near Reading itself. |
Upton Court/Black Park/Bracknell |
53 |
28 |
Mainly from Black Park (23). |
Further afield including parkrun tourists |
30 |
55 |
More than expected. 26 parkruns represented with bigger groups
from: 9 from Aylesbury, 8 from Frimley Lodge, 7 from Gunnersbury
(Gunnersbury was closed for much of July and I think that some of its
regulars have got into the habit of trying different parkruns). 16 of
the 55 fall into my category of “uber-tourist”, runners who regularly
visit different parkruns. {The Scaifes didn't qualify as "Uber-tourists"
for two reasons - they haven't been visiting enough different parkruns
over the last few weeks AND their obvious home parkrun is one of those
adjacent to Marlow so their visit there could be quite legitimate even
if they were uber-tourists} |
Roderick Hoffman
Club Athlete British Record and just 0.08sec outside a World Record! (from
An amazing effort by the British M50 team in a world record 4 x 800m
attempt today in the Masters Grand Prix at Lee Valley. The
British record was smashed by about 13 seconds I think, but the
World record was missed by a tantalising 8/100th of a second. It was
quite windy down the home straight which we could of done without. A big
thank you to the M45 team for pacing us
Simon Coombes, Mark Symes, Christopher
Andrea Westcott and
Simon Cooper who also secured a British record. Well done our M50
Gary Burnett,
David Cowlishaw,
Steve Atkinson,
Adrian Richard Haines. Splits were roughly 2:05, 2:06, 2:08/7, 2:06.
Andrea Westcott via Adrian Haines
Next Digest - Results, news, pictures, feedback, jokes, stories - send it to the editor, Roderick Hoffman, at