BA Athletics Club News Digest 12th August 2019Events:
We meet at 18:00 at the Bedfont Club on most Wednesdays throughout the year including this Wednesday - but over the summer numbers will be low so let me know to expect you. New members and potential members of all fitness levels and abilities are welcome at most of our events. The full diary of club featured events is on the club website at: Diary.shtml. Last updated: 29th July. * Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] (parkrun details updated 12 August 2019) / # Club Points event. Facebook: (formal "front window" club page), BA Runner Facebook Group (informal "back office" - ask to join). Inclusions, with photos, please to Roderick Hoffman at Run-of-the-MonthEvery month the club promotes an externally arranged event as our "Run-of-the-Month". The idea is to get a group of us to attend the event to increase our fulfillment - sometimes to get a team result.
And then it is up to you. What events should we have for our Run-of-the-Month for November, December and January? I've set up a Facebook "Poll" to enable you to make new suggestions or indicate your keenness to attend someone else's suggestion. The Poll is at: . Obviously not everyone uses Facebook so if you want to make some suggestions you can email Neil instead. Roderick Hoffman obo Neil Frediani Club parkrun results for Saturday 10th August 2019
Volunteers include...
This was a weekend when many parkruns were cancelled by gale force winds (either actual or forecast) and/or floods. Our fastest runner this week was James Shoulder (19:19) who celebrated his 50th (red vest) run by showing a clean pair of heels to all the chasers at Bedfont Lakes. He ran 19:17 at Gunnersbury last week so clearly a man in form. Let’s hope he likes cross country! The best agegrade score (80.3%) was achieved by Mike Dennison (20:10) at Winchester (he actually ran a 20:03 there last year before he joined us). Barry Walters (21:38) also ran there - for the first time. In the all time list for the VM60-64 group Mike is 3rd Barry 18th out of 227. We had five runners at Cheltenham where our members had never run before. parkrun was established there back in February 2013. John Taylor (21:07, 72.14%) was quickest but Mark Taylor (22:02, 72.16%) edged it when age is taken in to account. Graham Taylor (25:59) and Marion Woodhouse (34:03) made up the rest of the family outing and were joined by Piers Keenleyside (26:08) and Kathryn Keenleyside (39:31) whose first choice run at Fire Station College at relatively nearby Morton-in-Marsh was “blown out”. New member Keith Johnson (24:52) added a new park to his and our list at Cyclopark in Gravesend. Another new member David Williams (24:16) ran at Fulham Palace this week – he has run 122 times at Black Park with a best time of 24:03. We seem to be growing. Steve's parkrun stats - club parkrun stats - UPDATED Full club parkrun database - {read access to new club parkrun database} - UP TO DATE - Download and explore. The following is how it now displays its data on Cheltenham parkrun - each of the Taylors gets a mention, Graham is listed first because his is the lowest parkrun ID. Piers is only an "also ran"!
Steve Newell / Roderick Hoffman * Alphabet UpdatePrior to the start of this year I had run at UK parkruns starting with 23 different letters - all the letters of the English alphabet apart from X, Y and Z. Completing the alphabet is considered a "thing" amongst tourists, another one of those "Challenges" reported by the Chrome Extension. I had resisted doing a UK "Y" until i was also ready to do the "Z". There are no "Z" parkruns in the UK but in February I had the opportunity to travel to Zielona Gora in Poland and run the parkrun there (I had carefully considered and rejected the nearby "Zary" parkrun but that would make the story more complex than I can justify here). As it happens I was then tied up with other commitments to parkruns so my UK "Y" had to wait until the end of June when I ran at Yeovil Montacute. For many tourists that is where the alphabet ends because there is no parkrun in the world that starts with an "X". But that isn't good enough for me, although I could have claimed my "X" parkrun as "Little Stoke" (think about it). Instead I had to make it down to Exmouth for a near "X" (I could have chosen "Exeter Riverside" or "Cross Flatts" instead). So, to the best of my ability, my parkrun alphabet is now complete. The parkrun database shows alphabet completion for club members (apart from the "X"). I'm the first to achieve the 25. Steve Newell and Ian Cockram are on 22, Caroline Cockram and David Duggan are on 21, Trish McCabe, Sarah Gordon and Richard Ruffell are on 20. I'm the only club member to have collected a "Z". There are now three parkruns in Poland starting with "Z" (including spelt correctly "Żary"), there are 3 in Russia, 1 in South Africa and 1 in Australia. Only four of us have run at "I" parkruns (that includes non-member Janet Cunningham…but not Ian!) Janet, David Duggan and I have run at "Ipswich" whilst Richard Ruffell has run at "Isobel Trail". "Inverness" is another UK possibility and there are a few abroad also. Next week in this exciting series - parkruns with Weatherspoons as their post-parkrun cafe (or perhaps not). Roderick Hoffman Cake in Marlow!Just wanted to let you and all BAAC members know, Saturday 17th August is the 1st birthday of Higginson parkrun Marlow. I will be the RD on that day so it would be lovely to see some of you there, there will be cake! Alice Banks Ride London 100 report - 4th August 2019 #During Olympic year, 2012, BAAC were invited to marshal several events, including the Olympic cycle race through Surrey. That event became Ride London in 2013, and we’ve provided a marshalling presence in Westminster every year since. This year we saw a change of route, and a change of location, from the Cenotaph, a couple of hundred yards south to Parliament Square. After dealing with some teething problems at the new site, and establishing how we and SFM (security) were going to work together, we enjoyed a hectic day directing cyclists safely through the Square, and pedestrians across the road. Despite the odd protestor, and the occasional angry cycle rickshaw rider, the crowds appreciated our help and we got a chance to watch the race at very close quarters. Thanks to all 21 of our team for their patience and stamina, especially Mike Thorn and Paul Brandon for their leadership, and Jas Modaher and Graham Taylor for their bravery at the front of the rope. We had at least four BA riders who completed the course: Steve Taylor, Andrew Jordan, Chris Kelly and Paul Goldsmith. All four have marshalled our events over previous years. Steve’s report appeared last week. Here is news of Andrew’s and Chris' days. Steve Hillier Dear Ed, I hope you can publish my public apology (hair shirt syndrome!) for letting the team down yesterday at The London Cycle. I had to leave very early due a home emergency. However, I would also like to state my admiration for Steve, Mike and Paul, et al for extricating us from very difficult 'external' influences which caused us concern. Thank You. Andy Rayner
After an early start to get to the Olympic Park for 6.30 and a pleasant wait in the summer morning sunshine (stark contrast to last year) we set off across London on the closed roads that made the entry fee seem very worthwhile! Quickly got the hang of cycling carefree through red/amber/green traffic lights, which kept a grin on my face for at least two hours. When we got the first hill I even realised what a warm day it was. Copious water stations kept us cool all day, and apart from the occasional holdups to circumnavigate crashes - the speed of flying along in or near, or just behind a group of like minded riders was a terrific experience. There were a few hills to deal with, but then most of us had multi-geared bikes... I enjoyed the way back almost as much. Saw some friends in Kingston, briefly, and it was great to see the marshals at Parliament Square. Thanks very much to them - for my place - and from all of the riders - you made it possible. I'd thoroughly recommend it, although to be honest I think that the 46mile option has as much or possibly more to recommend - still get all the whizzing through town with less of the ouch! Fab.
Regards, Chris Kelly Aiming To Finally Hit TargetI ran my last marathon at London in 2014, so well over 5 years ago now. That was my 9th, I know this hardly touches the sides for the likes of Piers who seems to do at least this number a year, but I always said I would do 10 before stopping. Well 5 years on, with a following wind I hope to finally run my 10th, and hence reach my target on Saturday 17th August. This will undoubtedly be my slowest, and not just because I am 5 years older than last time out, but more because it will come later in the day after I have already swum 2.4 miles and cycled 112 miles. The marathon being the third and last part of my Ironman adventure. And no I am not aiming to do 10 of these, one will be more than enough. Anyone who is bored and wishes to see my progress over what will be a very long day can use the Ironman athlete tracker, just find Ironman Kalmar, which is in Sweden, and search for me or bib number 2648. Watch this space for a report if I make it through. Richard Ruffell Ed: Good luck Richard, though hopefully your training means you don't need it. Next Digest - Results, news, pictures, feedback, jokes, stories - send them to the editor, Roderick Hoffman, at Not for you, no longer interested? remove me please. Difficulty viewing this? Read it from the website:- Latest.shtml. Club website:
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